Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Nutritional Yeast VII

Noochtella, Nooch Nutella, Nutritional Yeast Nutella, NOochVEMBER, NOOCHvember, #NOOCHvember, Nutritional Yeast November, Nooch November

Welcome to our fourth and final installment of NOOCHvember cartoons!  In honor of our favorite vegan food and our love of themes, each cartoon this month will be devoted to nutritional yeast.  Please follow along with our super-corporate #NOOCHvember hashtag.

NOOCHvember is coming to a close this week.  It's an appropriate time to look ahead: to December, to next year, and to the future.  At this time of reflection and consideration, our friends have been thinking about the next big thing in food spread technology.

As budding futurists, today's cartoon represents one of the first Crusaders' attempts at dreaming up the future of nutritional yeast in the commercial food space.  Noochtella is not just a cheesy spread that you can pour over nachos or noodles.  We're envisioning a product that you would be eager to spread on a piece of toast and call breakfast.

P.S. Our favorite guest cartoonist, Eugene Wu, has had quite a busy year.  In addition to creating today's nooch-tastic cartoon, he also dreamed up a sat-sumo wrestler back in February as well as this year's April Fool's Day cartoon.  Alongside these achievements, Eugene managed to find time this year to complete his Ph.D. and score a faculty position at Columbia University.  Let's cross our fingers that he continues to dream up amazing cartoons for us from way up in those ivory towers.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nutritional Yeast VI

Nutirtional Yeast: Catnip for vegans; NoochVEMBER, NOOCHvember, #NOOCHvember, Nutritional Yeast November, Nooch November

Welcome to our third installment of NOOCHvember cartoons!  In honor of our favorite vegan food and our love of themes, each cartoon this month will be devoted to nutritional yeast.  Please follow along with our super-corporate #NOOCHvember hashtag.

Today's cartoon says it all.  Vegans go crazy for these mysterious yellow flakes of goodness!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nutritional Yeast V

Nooch-It, Vegan Cheez-It, Nooch-Its, Vegan Cheez-Its, Baked Snack Crackers, NOochVEMBER, NOOCHvember, #NOOCHvember, Nutritional Yeast November, Nooch November

Welcome to our second installment of NOOCHvember cartoons!  In honor of our favorite vegan food and our love of themes, each cartoon this month will be devoted to nutritional yeast.  Please follow along with our super-corporate #NOOCHvember hashtag.

It is no secret that we love to poking fun at food logos and creating our own satirical interpretations.  Swiss Chard (Skittles), Butternut Squash (Butterfinger), Chickpea of the Sea, Sun Chokes (Sun Chips) and Coconut (Cool) Whip are a few of our favorites.

Please welcome the newest addition to our collection, inspired by this incredible Nooch-Its recipe by Beth at Eat Within Your Means.  Beth's Nooch-Its are a work of art unto themselves!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Nutritional Yeast IV

NOOCH Love, Nutritional Yeast Love, Philadelphia LOVE sculpture parody, Robert Indiana, NOochVEMBER, NOOCHvember, #NOOCHvember, Nutritional Yeast November, Nooch November

Welcome to our first installment of NOOCHvember cartoons!  In honor of our favorite vegan food and our love of themes, each cartoon this month will be devoted to nutritional yeast.  Please follow along with our super-corporate #NOOCHvember hashtag.

We would like to introduce nutritional yeast's (a.k.a nooch's) new look, entitled "Nooch Love." 

Also, happy Election Day to our friends in the United States!  We originally planned to bring you both an Election Day-themed and nooch-inspired cartoon today.  Unfortunately while exploring democracy-related inspiration, we were quickly derailed.  Below is a visual account of how today's cartoon came to be:

While perusing Google Image Search for aforementioned democracy-related inspiration, we were soon distracted by this image:


Which immediately then led to preoccupation with this iconic Robert Indiana LOVE image and subsequent set of sculptures:


Preoccupation then led to obsessive pixel pushing.  In honor of our love of nooch, we decided to contribute our own "version" of the iconic piece.  So there you have it--the creation story for today's "Nooch Love" cartoon.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nutritional Yeast III

NOochVEMBER, NOOCHvember, #NOOCHvember, Nutritional Yeast November, Nooch November

Vegan MoFo 2014 came to a close a mere 30-something days ago, but it already feels like forever.  It was so much fun to participate in such a massive and passionate month-long pep rally for vegan food as both spectators and participants.  It was fun to have a single "Vegan Faux Show" theme for 30 days of cartoons.  Although our cartoons are sometimes seasonally appropriate, our selection is otherwise pretty random, so it is nice for us to follow some semblance of a structure every once in a while.

As the calendar turns to November, many Americans like to focus on the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and more carefully consider what they are thankful for.  We are thankful for many things in our life, including family, friends, the Internet, and Web 2.0 blogging technology.  We're also grateful to have food security and access to our favorite foods, including nutritional yeast. 

So, in honor of our favorite vegan food and our love of themes, we would like to declare November to be NOOCHvember here at Kale Crusaders Headquarters.  Each cartoon this month (5 total) will be devoted to nutritional yeast.  We hope you'll follow along with our super-corporate #NOOCHvember hashtag.  We hope you enjoy!